mongodb - mongodb可以作为嵌入式数据库使用吗?

我正在开发一个 RSS 阅读器应用程序。我需要找到一个后端数据库。我希望嵌入数据库,因为我不希望用户安装数据库服务器。

我知道 SQLite 是一个不错的选择,但我想知道是否还有其他 nosql 选择?


(我还没有 50 个代表点来评论和构建已接受的答案;否则我会的,抱歉!)

您可以将 MongoDB 嵌入到您的 OEM 解决方案中,但需要考虑两件事:

  1. 它是用 C++ 编写的,因此如果您使用不同的语言进行编码,您可能需要编写一个单独启动数据库进程的包装器。

  2. MongoDB 在 Gnu AGPL-3.0 下获得许可,这是一个复制左服务器许可。接受的答案和谷歌集团的报价都正确地表明这通常会迫使你也获得 AGPL 许可。但是,他们 MongoDb 表示,许可证的目的是允许对其代码的改进提交回来,并且您的产品将保持独立。这让我觉得正常的左副本规则不适用。

The goal of the server license is to require that enhancements to MongoDB be released to the community. Traditional GPL often does not achieve this anymore as a huge amount of software runs in the cloud. For example, Google has no obligation to release their improvements to the MySQL kernel – if they do they are being nice.

To make the above practical, we promise that your client application which uses the database is a separate work. To facilitate this, the supported drivers (the part you link with your application) are released under Apache license, which is copyleft free. Note: if you would like a signed letter asserting the above promise please request via email.



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