python - Django Admin - 更改标题 'Django administratio

如何更改 django 管理 header 中的“Django 管理”文本?



从 Django 1.7 开始,您不需要覆盖模板。您现在可以实现 site_header , site_title , 和 index_title自定义属性 AdminSite为了轻松更改管理站点的页面标题和标题文本。创建一个 AdminSite 子类并将您的实例挂接到您的 URLconf:

from django.contrib.admin import AdminSite
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy

class MyAdminSite(AdminSite):
    # Text to put at the end of each page's <title>.
    site_title = ugettext_lazy('My site admin')

    # Text to put in each page's <h1> (and above login form).
    site_header = ugettext_lazy('My administration')

    # Text to put at the top of the admin index page.
    index_title = ugettext_lazy('Site administration')

admin_site = MyAdminSite()

from django.conf.urls import patterns, include
from myproject.admin import admin_site

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^myadmin/', include(admin_site.urls)),

更新:正如 oxfn 所指出的,您可以简单地设置 site_header在您的 中直接没有子类化 AdminSite: = 'My administration'

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