javascript - 我应该如何在http post请求的请求有效负载中传递json数据

我想知道,如何在payload中传递json请求,例如:{'name' : 'test', 'value' : 'test'}:

var post_data = {};

var post_options = {
  host: this._host,
  path: path,
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    Cookie: "session=" + session,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Content-Length': post_data.length,

// Set up the request
var post_req = http.request(post_options, function (res) {
  res.on('data', function (chunk) {
    console.log('========Response========: ' + chunk);

// post the data


使用 request模块

npm install -S request

var request = require('request')

var postData = {
  name: 'test',
  value: 'test'

var url = ''
var options = {
  method: 'post',
  body: postData,
  json: true,
  url: url
request(options, function (err, res, body) {
  if (err) {
    console.error('error posting json: ', err)
    throw err
  var headers = res.headers
  var statusCode = res.statusCode
  console.log('headers: ', headers)
  console.log('statusCode: ', statusCode)
  console.log('body: ', body)


json - 如何强制将请求正文解析为纯文本而不是 Express 中的 json?

ios - 如何使用 SwiftyJSON 遍历 JSON?

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javascript - Javascript对象和JSON对象有什么区别