iphone - Objective-C 中的实例变量是否默认设置为 nil?

我正在整理我的 iPhone 应用程序的一些内存问题,并且我一直在考虑一些基础知识。如果我设置了一个 ivar 并且在对象的生命周期内从未使用过它,那么当我在其上调用 dealloc 时,会导致问题吗?例如

@interface testClass {
    id myobject;
@property (nonatomic, retain) id myobject;

@implementation testClass
@synthesize myobject;
- (id)init {
    // Do I have to set myobject to nil here?
    // So if myobject isn't used the dealloc call to nil
    // will be okay? Or can you release the variable without
    // having set every object to nil that you may may not use 


// Somewhere in the code, myobject may be set to
// an instance of an object via self.myobject = [AnObject grabAnObject]
// but the object may be left alone


- (void)dealloc {
    [myobject release];
    [super dealloc];


实例变量are initialized to 0在初始化程序运行之前..



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