objective-c - Objective-C中方法旁边的加号和减号是什么意思?

在 Objective-C 中,我想知道方法定义旁边的 +- 符号是什么意思。

- (void)loadPluginsAtPath:(NSString*)pluginPath errors:(NSArray **)errors;


+ 用于类方法,- 用于实例方法。


// Not actually Apple's code.
@interface NSArray : NSObject {
+ (NSArray *)array;
- (id)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;

// somewhere else:

id myArray = [NSArray array];         // see how the message is sent to NSArray?
id obj = [myArray objectAtIndex:4];   // here the message is sent to myArray

// Btw, in production code one uses "NSArray *myArray" instead of only "id".

有another question dealing with the difference between class and instance methods .



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