python - 如何从一列中对 Pandas 数据框进行排序



        0          1     2
0   354.7      April   4.0
1    55.4     August   8.0
2   176.5   December  12.0
3    95.5   February   2.0
4    85.6    January   1.0
5     152       July   7.0
6   238.7       June   6.0
7   104.8      March   3.0
8   283.5        May   5.0
9   278.8   November  11.0
10  249.6    October  10.0
11  212.7  September   9.0



使用 sort_values按特定列的值对 df 进行排序:

In [18]:

        0          1     2
4    85.6    January   1.0
3    95.5   February   2.0
7   104.8      March   3.0
0   354.7      April   4.0
8   283.5        May   5.0
6   238.7       June   6.0
5   152.0       July   7.0
1    55.4     August   8.0
11  212.7  September   9.0
10  249.6    October  10.0
9   278.8   November  11.0
2   176.5   December  12.0

如果要按两列排序,请将列标签列表传递给 sort_values,列标签根据排序优先级排序。如果您使用 df.sort_values(['2', '0']),结果将按列 2 然后列 0 排序.诚然,这对于本示例来说实际上没有意义,因为 df['2'] 中的每个值都是唯一的。


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