c# - 大写的UTF-8?

这更像是我想做的一个装饰性更改,我想知道如何使生成的 xml 文件使用 UTF-8 大写而不是 utf-8 小写?

        XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
        settings.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
        settings.Indent = true;
        settings.IndentChars = "\t";

        XmlWriter writeXML = XmlWriter.Create("test_file.xml", settings);
        writeXML.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "xsi", null, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
        writeXML.WriteAttributeString("xsi", "noNamespaceSchemaLocation", null, "test_file.xsd");


我找到了 this blog post .看来这就是你想要的。

public class UpperCaseUTF8Encoding : UTF8Encoding
  // Code from a blog http://www.distribucon.com/blog/CategoryView,category,XML.aspx
  // Dan Miser - Thoughts from Dan Miser
  // Tuesday, January 29, 2008 
  // He used the Reflector to understand the heirarchy of the encoding class
  //      Back to Reflector, and I notice that the Encoding.WebName is the property used to
  //      write out the encoding string. I now create a descendant class of UTF8Encoding.
  //      The class is listed below. Now I just call XmlTextWriter, passing in
  //      UpperCaseUTF8Encoding.UpperCaseUTF8 for the Encoding type, and everything works
  //      perfectly. - Dan Miser

  public override string WebName
    get { return base.WebName.ToUpper(); }

  public static UpperCaseUTF8Encoding UpperCaseUTF8
      if (upperCaseUtf8Encoding == null) {
        upperCaseUtf8Encoding = new UpperCaseUTF8Encoding();
      return upperCaseUtf8Encoding;

  private static UpperCaseUTF8Encoding upperCaseUtf8Encoding = null;

要使用此自定义编码,您需要使用 XMLTextWriter 作为 XDocument Save 方法的目标。

// This section not shown in the blog

var xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlDocNm); //This is your xml path value 
// Changes to XML Document here

// .Net writes the XML declaration using lower case utf-8.
//  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
// It is not suppesed to matter but NiceForm expects the delcaration to be uppercase.
//  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
// We are using a XMLWriter with a custom Encoding to captialize the UTF

// Set various options to retrive the desired output
var settings = new XmlWriterSettings {
  Encoding = new UpperCaseUTF8Encoding(), // Key setting option for this example

  NewLineHandling = System.Xml.NewLineHandling.Replace,
  NewLineOnAttributes = true,
  Indent = true                           // Generate new lines for each element

using (var xmlWriter =XmlTextWriter.Create(xmlDocNm, settings)) {



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