list - VIM 中的格式化列表

我想找到一种在 Vim 中轻松格式化列表的方法。
我检查了 PAR 和 Vim 的默认格式化程序。


1. this is my text this is my text this is my text 
2. this is my text this is my text this is my text 
3. this is my text this is my text this is my text 
4. this is my text this is my text this is my text  


- this is my text this is my text this is my text 
- this is my text this is my text this is my text 
- this is my text this is my text this is my text 
- this is my text this is my text this is my text  

当我选择行并使用 PAR 和 VIM 将默认格式设置为 42 时,结果如下:


用 par 格式化:

用 vim 格式化:

1. this is my text this is my text this is
my text 
2. this is my text this is my text this is
my text 
3. this is my text this is my text this is
my text 
4. this is my text this is my text this is
   my text 


用 par 格式化:
过滤了 4 行(无变化)

用 vim 格式化:

- this is my text this is my text this is
  my text 
- this is my text this is my text this is
  my text 
- this is my text this is my text this is
  my text 
- this is my text this is my text this is
  my text 

Vim 在格式化列表方面做得更好,但在编号列表中也不正确。
即使我像这样使用前缀 ("p") 选项,Par 在格式化列表时也会遇到很多麻烦:
'!par w42p4dh 或 '!par w42p3dh



尝试设置fo+=n。来自 :help fo-table:

n       When formatting text, recognize numbered lists.  This actually uses
        the 'formatlistpat' option, thus any kind of list can be used.  The
        indent of the text after the number is used for the next line.  The
        default is to find a number, optionally followed by '.', ':', ')',
        ']' or '}'.  Note that 'autoindent' must be set too.  Doesn't work
        well together with "2".                    

                1. the first item
                2. the second item


c# - 支持自定义数字类型的 ToString(字符串格式)

javascript - Number().toLocaleString() 在不同的浏览器中有不同

java - 格式化相同数据的方法有很多

scala - Intellij Scala 多种导入样式格式设置

python - 我们应该为 python 变量名使用哪些缩写?

android - 如何在 Intellij IDEA 13 for android 中按字母顺序对

c++ - 你如何设置 cout 语言环境来插入逗号作为千位分隔符?

c# - String.Format 没有正确转换阿拉伯语的整数

java - 如何将字符串解析为

powershell - 如何在不截断值的情况下使用 Format-Table?