Flutter - 隐藏 FloatingActionButton

Flutter 中是否有任何内置方法可以在 ListView 上隐藏 FloatingActionButton 向下滚动然后在向上滚动时显示它?


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(new MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: new ThemeData(

        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
      home: new MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  MyHomePage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);

  final String title;

  _MyHomePageState createState() => new _MyHomePageState();

 class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  int _counter = 0;
  ScrollController _hideButtonController;
  void _incrementCounter() {
    setState(() {
  var _isVisible;
    _isVisible = true;
    _hideButtonController = new ScrollController();
      if(_hideButtonController.position.userScrollDirection == ScrollDirection.reverse){
        if(_isVisible == true) {
            /* only set when the previous state is false
             * Less widget rebuilds 
            print("**** ${_isVisible} up"); //Move IO away from setState
              _isVisible = false;
      } else {
        if(_hideButtonController.position.userScrollDirection == ScrollDirection.forward){
          if(_isVisible == false) {
              /* only set when the previous state is false
               * Less widget rebuilds 
               print("**** ${_isVisible} down"); //Move IO away from setState
                 _isVisible = true;
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Scaffold(
      appBar: new AppBar(
        title: new Text(widget.title),
      body: new Center(
        child: new CustomScrollView(
          controller: _hideButtonController,
          shrinkWrap: true,
          slivers: <Widget>[
            new SliverPadding(
              padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
              sliver: new SliverList(
                delegate: new SliverChildListDelegate(
                    const Text('I\'m dedicating every day to you'),
                    const Text('Domestic life was never quite my style'),
                    const Text('When you smile, you knock me out, I fall apart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('And I thought I was so smart'),
                    const Text('I realize I am crazy'),   
      floatingActionButton: new Visibility( 
        visible: _isVisible,
        child: new FloatingActionButton(
          onPressed: _incrementCounter,
          tooltip: 'Increment',
          child: new Icon(Icons.add),

如果我没有使用 listview,我深表歉意,因为我不知道如何使用 listview 滚动。我会回答你问题的其他部分。

首先您需要创建一个 scrollcontroller会听的scrollPostion事件

如果滚动 Controller 设法找到 scrolldirection前进或后退。您添加一个将状态设置为可见的状态。

绘制按钮时,将按钮包裹在 visibility 中。类(class)。您设置了可见标志,小部件应忽略输入命令。

编辑:我似乎无法添加指向 ScrollController、ScrollerPosition、ScrollDirection 和 Opacity 的链接。我想你可以自己搜索或其他人在链接中编辑

Edit2:使用 CopsonRoad 或使用可见性小部件,除非您想在布局树中使用未绘制的小部件

Edit3:鉴于新来者按原样使用代码,我会更新代码以鼓励更好的实践。使用可见性而不是不透明度。从 setState 中移除 io。在 Flutter 1.5.4-hotfix.2 上测试



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