maven - Gradle下载依赖错误


compile group: 'com.cedarsoft.commons', name:'test-utils', version:'5.0.9'

Gradle 下载了几个 jar,然后我收到以下错误:

POM relocation to an other version number is not fully supported in Gradle : xml-apis#xml-apis;2.0.2   relocated to xml-apis#xml-apis;1.0.b2.
Please update your dependency to directly use the correct version 'xml-apis#xml-apis;1.0.b2'.
Resolution will only pick dependencies of the relocated element.  Artifacts and other metadata will    be ignored.



configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy {
        force 'xml-apis:xml-apis:1.4.01'

或使用 1.0.b2。问题是 xml-apis 的 POM 将 2.0.2(如 khmarbaise 所写)重定向到同一组和人工制品,只有版本是 1.0.b2,这以某种方式欺骗了 Gradle(或底层 Ivy)解析机制。

感谢 Mark Petrovic Gradle Forum


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