c - Linux 中的 getch() 和 getche() 等价于什么?

我在 Linux 中找不到 conio.h 的等效头文件。

getche() & getche() 在 Linux 中有没有选项?

我想制作一个 switch case 基本菜单,用户只需按一个键就可以给出他的选项,并且进程应该向前移动。我不想让用户在按下他的选择后按下 ENTER。


#include <termios.h>
#include <stdio.h>

static struct termios old, current;

/* Initialize new terminal i/o settings */
void initTermios(int echo) 
  tcgetattr(0, &old); /* grab old terminal i/o settings */
  current = old; /* make new settings same as old settings */
  current.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; /* disable buffered i/o */
  if (echo) {
      current.c_lflag |= ECHO; /* set echo mode */
  } else {
      current.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; /* set no echo mode */
  tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &current); /* use these new terminal i/o settings now */

/* Restore old terminal i/o settings */
void resetTermios(void) 
  tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &old);

/* Read 1 character - echo defines echo mode */
char getch_(int echo) 
  char ch;
  ch = getchar();
  return ch;

/* Read 1 character without echo */
char getch(void) 
  return getch_(0);

/* Read 1 character with echo */
char getche(void) 
  return getch_(1);

/* Let's test it out */
int main(void) {
  char c;
  printf("(getche example) please type a letter: ");
  c = getche();
  printf("\nYou typed: %c\n", c);
  printf("(getch example) please type a letter...");
  c = getch();
  printf("\nYou typed: %c\n", c);
  return 0;


(getche example) please type a letter: g
You typed: g
(getch example) please type a letter...
You typed: g



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