php - 如何修复 "Add myBundle to the asseticBundle conf

当我尝试使用 TWIG {% javascript %} 标签链接到我的 .js 文件时,它会返回我并出现以下异常:

An exception has been thrown during the compilation of a template ("You must add CompetitiongameBundle to the assetic.bundle config to use the {% javascripts %} tag in CompetitiongameBundle:game:index.html.twig.") in "CompetitiongameBundle:game:index.html.twig".

我的 index.html.twig 看起来像:

{% javascripts 'CompetitiongameBundle/Resources/views/public/js/*'%}
    <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset_url }}" ></script>
{% endjavascripts %}
Hello {{ name }}!

<a href='{{ nexturl }}' >Login</a>

当我这样做时,我的 Bundle 已经存在于配置文件中:

php app/console config:dump-reference assetic




  1. 编辑 app/config/config.yml
  2. 然后转到 assetic:
  3. 在 Assets 下:转到bundles:[]
  4. and in bundles: []//输入你的包名

例如,如果您的 bundle 是 Acme\DemoBundle,则执行以下操作

   bundles: [ AcmeDemoBundle ]

AcmeDemoBundle 周围没有引号。而已。 (Symfony2)

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