delphi - 在 Delphi XE 中构建事件宏

According to Delphi's help file ,当我打开对话框以将构建事件添加到我的项目选项时,对话框应显示我可以在命令行上用于构建事件的宏(占位符)列表。当我在 Delphi XE 中尝试这个时,宏列表是空的。帮助文件也没有说明哪些宏可用(我可以找到)。

那么,哪些宏可用?现在我需要一个宏来获取已编译的 .exe 文件(构建后)的完整路径,以及 .dproj 文件的完整路径。但我想要一份完整的可用宏列表以供将来引用。


我必须回到 D2010 才能得出这个 list :

BDS                 The environment variable $(BDS)
DEFINES             The project's conditional defines
DIR                 The environment variable $(DIR)
INCLUDEPATH         The project's include path
INPUTDIR            The input file's directory
INPUTEXT            The input file's extension
INPUTFILENAME       The input file's name, with extension
INPUTPATH           The input file's full path
LOCALCOMMAND        Local command entered by user in project manager
OUTPUTDIR           The output file's directory
OUTPUTEXT           The output file's extension
OUTPUTFILENAME      The output file's name, with extension
OUTPUTNAME          The output file's name, without extension
OUTPUTPATH          The output file's full path
Path                The environment variable $(PATH)
PROJECTDIR          The project's directory
PROJECTEXT          The project's extension
PROJECTFILENAME     The project file's name, with extension
PROJECTNAME         The project's name
PROJECTPATH         The project file's full path
SAVE                Save the input file to disk before it's compiled
SystemRoot          The environment variable $(SYSTEMROOT)
WINDIR              The environment variable $(WINDIR)


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