visual-studio - VS2005 : Assembly '' is

我已在我的项目中添加了对 log4net 程序集 dll 的引用。


Warning Assembly 'Lib\log4net.dll' is incorrectly specified as a file.

我查了help for this error on MSDN ,它说:

This warning is generated during application manifest generation when the build process detects that a file reference is actually a (managed or native) assembly.


如何添加对程序集 dll 的引用,而不添加对程序集 dll 的引用?


尝试将源 DLL 的 Build Action 属性设置为 None。它为我们解决了这个问题。

关于visual-studio - VS2005 : Assembly '<assembly>' is incorrectly specified as a file.,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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