objective-c - Objective-C 中可为空、__nullable 和 _Nulla

在 Xcode 6.3 中引入了新的注解,以便更好地表达 API 在 Objective-C 中的意图(当然也是为了确保更好的 Swift 支持)。这些注解当然是 nonnullnullablenull_unspecified

但是在 Xcode 7 中,出现了很多警告,例如:

Pointer is missing a nullability type specifier (_Nonnull, _Nullable or _Null_unspecified).

除此之外,Apple 使用另一种类型的可空性说明符,标记其 C 代码 (source):

CFArrayRef __nonnull CFArrayCreate(CFAllocatorRef __nullable allocator, const void * __nonnull * __nullable values, CFIndex numValues, const CFArrayCallBacks * __nullable callBacks);

所以,总而言之,我们现在有这 3 个不同的可空性注释:

  • nonnullnullablenull_unspecified
  • _Nonnull_Nullable_Null_unspecified
  • __nonnull__nullable__null_unspecified


  • 对于属性,我应该使用 nonnullnullablenull_unspecified
  • 对于方法参数,我应该使用 nonnullnullablenull_unspecified
  • 对于 C 方法,我应该使用 __nonnull__nullable__null_unspecified
  • 对于其他情况,例如双指针,我应该使用 _Nonnull_Nullable_Null_unspecified





来自clang documentation :

The nullability (type) qualifiers express whether a value of a given pointer type can be null (the _Nullable qualifier), doesn’t have a defined meaning for null (the _Nonnull qualifier), or for which the purpose of null is unclear (the _Null_unspecified qualifier). Because nullability qualifiers are expressed within the type system, they are more general than the nonnull and returns_nonnull attributes, allowing one to express (for example) a nullable pointer to an array of nonnull pointers. Nullability qualifiers are written to the right of the pointer to which they apply.


In Objective-C, there is an alternate spelling for the nullability qualifiers that can be used in Objective-C methods and properties using context-sensitive, non-underscored keywords

所以对于方法返回和参数,您可以使用 双下划线版本 __nonnull/__nullable/__null_unspecified 代替单下划线版本,或代替非下划线版本。 区别在于单下划线和双下划线需要放在类型定义之后,非下划线需要放在类型定义之前。


- (nullable NSNumber *)result
- (NSNumber * __nullable)result
- (NSNumber * _Nullable)result


- (void)doSomethingWithString:(nullable NSString *)str
- (void)doSomethingWithString:(NSString * _Nullable)str
- (void)doSomethingWithString:(NSString * __nullable)str


@property(nullable) NSNumber *status
@property NSNumber *__nullable status
@property NSNumber * _Nullable status

然而,当涉及到双指针或返回不同于 void 的 block 时,事情会变得复杂,因为这里不允许使用非下划线:

- (void)compute:(NSError *  _Nullable * _Nullable)error
- (void)compute:(NSError *  __nullable * _Null_unspecified)error;
// and all other combinations

与接受 block 作为参数的方法类似,请注意 nonnull/nullable 限定符适用于 block ,而不是它的返回类型,因此以下是等价的:

- (void)executeWithCompletion:(nullable void (^)())handler
- (void)executeWithCompletion:(void (^ _Nullable)())handler
- (void)executeWithCompletion:(void (^ __nullable)())handler

如果 block 有返回值,那么你将被迫进入下划线版本之一:

- (void)convertObject:(nullable id __nonnull (^)(nullable id obj))handler
- (void)convertObject:(id __nonnull (^ _Nullable)())handler
- (void)convertObject:(id _Nonnull (^ __nullable)())handler
// the method accepts a nullable block that returns a nonnull value
// there are some more combinations here, you get the idea


关于objective-c - Objective-C 中可为空、__nullable 和 _Nullable 之间的区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32452889/


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