linux - 使用 bash 为文件添加文件扩展名

使用 bash 将文件扩展名“.jpg”添加到无扩展名文件的好方法是什么?


# Strip .jpg from all filenames
for f in *.jpg; do mv "$f" "${f%.jpg}"; done
# Add .jpg to all filenames (even those with .jpg already)
for f in *; do mv "$f" "$f.jpg"; done
# Add .jpg to all filenames...unless they are already .jpg
for f in *; do case "$f" in *.jpg) echo skipped $f;; *) mv "$f" "$f".jpg; esac; done
# Add .jpg to all filenames...unless they already have a . extension
for f in *; do case "$f" in *.*) echo skipped $f;; *) mv "$f" "$f".jpg; esac; done


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