json - 如何将 javascript 格式应用于 .json 文件?

Eclipse 中的 Ctrl + Shift + F 热键可以格式化文件。它不适用于 .json 文件。如何让它发挥作用?


如果您还没有 JSON 编辑器插件,您将需要它。你可以找到它here

The JSON Editor is a simple plugin for the Eclipse IDE that provides: - Color text highlighting - An Outline Tree view - JSON validation - Text formatting - Text folding for the JSON data format.


此外,我发现在过去,当前版本的格式化功能至少存在一个问题。 从他们的讨论site:

2010-07-15 00:18:05 UTC
Using version 0.9.4, I do not see the option to "Format Text". Also, when I open a .json file, the outline view says "An outline is not available".

2010-12-27 16:59:24 UTC
Using 0.9.4 on Helios, I also had "An outline is not available". I went to Window->Preferences->General->Editors->File Associations, selected '*.json' in the 'File types:' list, selected 'Json Editor' in the 'Associated editors:' list, and clicked 'Default'. I now get an outline, though it can be somewhat slow (6K line file).


有几种方法可以添加插件。 Eclipse 建议使用 update manager . 试试 help > software updates > find and install




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