android - 产品 flavor : Duplicate class found


我有一个 android 应用程序(用 kotlin 编写),我想制作两种产品风格并覆盖产品风格中的类/文件:

所以我的 gradle 脚本是这样的:

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'

android {
  productFlavors {
    foo {
      applicationId ""


 - src
    - androidTest
    - foo
      - java
        - com
          - example
            - Bar.kt
    - main
      - java
        - com
          - example
            - Bar.kt
    - test

所以基本上我想在 foo 产品风格中覆盖 Bar.kt 文件,但不知何故它不起作用:它说类 Bar 是重复的。



The documentation for variants状态(强调我的):

Note: For a given build variant, Gradle throws a build error if it encounters two or more source set directories that have defined the same Java class. For example, when building a debug APK, you cannot define both src/debug/ and src/main/ This is because Gradle looks at both these directories during the build process and throws a 'duplicate class' error. If you want different versions of for different build types, you can have each build type define its own version of the file and not include it in the main/ source set.

因此解决方案是为每个变体拥有自己的 Bar.kt 版本,并将其从主要源集中排除。

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