linux - 如何在不重新输入 SSH 密码的情况下执行 `git pull`?

是否可以配置 git/ssh,这样我每次想要执行 git pull 时都不必输入密码?请注意,该仓库是 github 上的私有(private)仓库。

或者,从私有(private) Github 存储库自动化代码部署的最佳做法是什么?

其他详细信息: EC2 实例运行基于 Fedora 的公共(public) AMI。



But I don’t want to enter a long passphrase every time I use the key!

Neither do I! Thankfully, there’s a nifty little tool called ssh-agent that can save your passphrase securely so you don’t have to re-enter it. If you’re on OSX Leopard or later your keys can be saved in the system’s keychain to make your life even easier. Most linux installations will automatically start ssh-agent for you when you log in.

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