linux - 双斜杠//in `cd//` 在 Linux 中是什么意思?

我错误地输入了一个命令 cd// 而不是 cd/,而不是像我期望的那样得到错误,shell (Bash) 显示了提示好像我在//目录:-

<username>@<hostname>://$ pwd





来自 Bash FAQ E10: :

E10) Why does 'cd //' leave $PWD as '//'?

POSIX.2, in its description of 'cd', says that three or more leading slashes may be replaced with a single slash when canonicalizing the current working directory.

This is, I presume, for historical compatibility. Certain versions of Unix, and early network file systems, used paths of the form //hostname/path to access 'path' on server 'hostname'.

还有 Unix standards状态:

A pathname that begins with two successive slashes may be interpreted in an implementation-defined manner, although more than two leading slashes shall be treated as a single slash.

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